Welcome to our Community Recipe Book
Our vision is to create a product that inspires others. Among the many peanut butter related conversations I have had over the past few years there has been one recurring motif; change. The pepperheads claim that it isn’t spicy enough, inspired cooks want me to add a secret 5th ingredient (like orange peel) to give it that extra edge, but rarely do I encounter someone who doesn’t like the peanut butter. When I do it is typically due to the person not liking peanuts. But truly what I have gained from these conversations is inspiration. To provide my customers access and the ability to contribute to a constant database of magnificent recipes. Being a cook myself, I find that recipes come and go and the task of writing an entire cookbook for peanut butter sounds laborious and frankly; not what I would like to spend my time doing. So without further to do, here it is your first recipe in the growing cookbook; and true classic for the whole family.